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Thymosin Alpha-1

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From $160.00

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Thymosin alpha 1 is a peptide naturally occurring in the thymus that has long been recognized for modifying, enhancing, and restoring immune function. Thymosin alpha 1 has been utilized in the treatment of immunocompromised states and malignancies, as an enhancer of vaccine response, and as a means of curbing morbidity and mortality in sepsis and numerous infections. Studies have postulated that thymosin alpha 1 could help improve the outcome in severely ill corona virus disease 2019 patients by repairing damage caused by overactivation of lymphocytic immunity and how thymosin alpha 1 could prevent the excessive activation of T cells. In this review, we discuss key literature on the background knowledge and current clinical uses of thymosin alpha 1. Considering the known biochemical properties including antibacterial and antiviral properties, time-honored applications, and the new promising findings regarding the use of thymosin, we believe that thymosin alpha 1 deserves further investigation into its antiviral properties and possible repurposing as a treatment against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2.

BENEFITS OF Thymosin alpha 1:

Thymosin Alpha 1 has numerous health benefits that include:

  • It boosts immunity by enhancing the function of T-cells
  • It is an effective treatment for Hepatitis B and C
  • It alleviates symptoms of chronic conditions like Lyme disease and chronic fatigue
  • It eradicates tumors and destroys unhealthy cells, preventing them from multiplying
  • It prevents the spread of infections and disease in the body
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight inflammation
  • It boosts immunity with chronic diseases and those undergoing chemotherapy
  • It protects cells from damage caused by oxidative stress
  • Studies show that it improves the efficacy of vaccines
  • It strengthens natural immunity by prompting the body to fight invasions.
Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

20mg – 2mg vials x 10, 100mg – 10mg vials x 10

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