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5mg vials x 10

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Sermorelin is one of a handful of growth hormone-releasing hormone analogs that have been developed in recent years in an effort to preserve some of the positive effects of natural GHRH while avoiding undesirable effects. Sermorelin (Geref) is currently used clinically to assess growth hormone secretion, but the peptide is of additional interest for its abilities to:

  • reduce scarring following a heart attack,
  • increase bone density,
  • improve nutrition in chronic illness,
  • improve renal function,
  • fight the effects of dementia, and
  • reduce seizure activity.

Growth hormone replacement therapy (GHRT) using recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) has been embraced by many age management practitioners as one of the most effective methods for opposing somatic senescence currently available. However, its routine use has been controversial because few clinical studies have been performed to determine the potential risks of long-term therapy.

*Vial top color may vary.

Weight 1 lbs
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 in

20mg – 2mg vials x 10, 50mg – 5mg vials x 10

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